Andreu World has grown and evolved convinced that our philosophy, attention to detail, excellence and good design, is the fundamental guide to continue being who we are now and in the future.
At the core of Andreu World is wood, there is no other material as unique, warm and noble. Woodworking is a philosophy unto itself, it is a way of relating to the world. Over time we have sought to maintain these qualities in all of our designs, regardless of the materials and technology employed.
Wood, in our work, is synonymous with the woodworker, we have retained the same expert hands that have learned their craft over years of experience.
To explain what are we and how we carry ourselves, we continue to believe in the principles and values that have brought us to where we are today…

Over nearly 60 years we have evolved in tune with the times, offering the practical solutions and aesthetic that people around the world demand. We have achieved this thanks to a flexible but consistent philosophy. Flexible with regard to the needs of users in that we are constantly seeking to improve our work, and consistent to our values and respecting the tradition of the craftsmanship in equilibrium with the latest technology. Maintaining quality in the details is the ultimate goal.
Year after year, we have become globalized without losing our local spirit. We are currently present in the most demanding markets in the world and we have a permanent presence in North America, Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia. Our name, Andreu World, is a statement, expressing our philosophy and our international vocation.


Bontempi Casa - Millennium Table | Bontempi Casa - Tavolo Millennium

Founded in 1963 by Alessandro and Giancarlo Bontempi, Bontempi Casa has evolved into an enduring success story, now guided by the second generation of the family since 2010. This dynamic company has demonstrated an innate ability to navigate the shifting tides of the market, continually reinventing itself to cater to the increasingly discerning world of furnishings, perpetually in pursuit of fresh trends. Despite its transformation into a global player, Bontempi Casa remains firmly rooted in its origins and core values. While structures and processes may change, the allure of a family-driven enterprise deeply devoted to design endures. A storied brand, an embodiment of Italian elegance and refinement, and a prominent voice in the global design arena, Bontempi Casa stands as an icon in its own right.

Bontempi Casa stands resolute in its commitment to safeguarding our precious natural resources. Throughout its production processes, the brand places a premium on the eco-sustainability of the materials it employs. A steadfast adherence to both national and international environmental standards ensures that manufacturing and finishes are achieved without the release of harmful substances. Bontempi Casa proudly employs non-polluting, solvent-free paints, and opts for recyclable plastics, and glass materials. Furthermore, the brand sources wood from forests managed in strict accordance with rigorous environmental protocols. The profound understanding that the future of our planet is intricately linked to the quality of their work underscores Bontempi Casa's enduring dedication to environmental sustainability, rooted in responsible resource utilization.