Andreu World has grown and evolved convinced that our philosophy, attention to detail, excellence and good design, is the fundamental guide to continue being who we are now and in the future.
At the core of Andreu World is wood, there is no other material as unique, warm and noble. Woodworking is a philosophy unto itself, it is a way of relating to the world. Over time we have sought to maintain these qualities in all of our designs, regardless of the materials and technology employed.
Wood, in our work, is synonymous with the woodworker, we have retained the same expert hands that have learned their craft over years of experience.
To explain what are we and how we carry ourselves, we continue to believe in the principles and values that have brought us to where we are today…

Over nearly 60 years we have evolved in tune with the times, offering the practical solutions and aesthetic that people around the world demand. We have achieved this thanks to a flexible but consistent philosophy. Flexible with regard to the needs of users in that we are constantly seeking to improve our work, and consistent to our values and respecting the tradition of the craftsmanship in equilibrium with the latest technology. Maintaining quality in the details is the ultimate goal.
Year after year, we have become globalized without losing our local spirit. We are currently present in the most demanding markets in the world and we have a permanent presence in North America, Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia. Our name, Andreu World, is a statement, expressing our philosophy and our international vocation.


The Culture of Glass in the World
“Fiam Italia has marked the passage of glass from decorative objects to furniture.”
Vittorio Livi

Fiam founded in 1973
Vittorio Livi has always had one passion: glass.
Fullet, the very first company founded by him, produced coloured glass for the furniture industry and was followed by a succession of companies: Artiglass, Curvovetro, Cromoglass and Vellutart.
The merger between these companies in 1973 resulted in FIAM, the first company to produce furnishing items in curved glass. Thanks to its technology and partnerships with top international designers, FIAM has become a leader in this industry and some of its products are on display in twenty-five museums worldwide.
After overseeing the restoration of Montegridolfo, a walled town dating back to the 7th century B.C., in 1992 Vittorio Livi purchased and renovated Villa Miralfiore, a historic building in Pesaro constructed in 1260. A part of the villa is dedicated to “Spazio Miralfiore”, a museum for works of art in glass produced by Livi and numerous Italian and international artists.

I will never get tired of repeating it: we are in Italy, and our elegance and our know-how come from the beauty that surrounds us. Many of the most important Italian companies were born because of passion, tradition, and love of beauty. In homage to Italy and to that beauty which inspires greatness, today I tell you the story of a man and a company that has left their mark on the culture and design of glass in the world.
Fiam, art meet design.
At the age of eight, he worked as a gardener with his father. At the age of thirteen he went to went to work in a glassmaker’s shop as an apprentice and at seventeen he set up his own business and attended art school.
A crowning jewel of Made in Italy, we are talking about Vittorio Livi and his company Fiam Italia, that have managed to add value to traditional glass by transforming it into iconic design pieces for the home and office.