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4th of May – Production reopening TO OUR DEALERS/DISTRIBUTORS

Dear Distributors and Dealers,

As you surely already heard from the latest news, the Italian Government has defined the reopening of the production activities starting from May the 4th.

First of all, we would like to confirm you that all our workers, employees and collaborators are in good health conditions and are ready to resume full service immediately from the first day of reopening.

For what concerns Giellesse, the days from the 23rd of March up to now have been dedicated to provide full support to all of you through a smart working modality, this gave us the possibility to give an adequate service to all our Dealers’ network.

Besides this, during these days of forced closure we have been working with all our primary suppliers in order to plan the most efficient restart of our production lines and, consequently, have the opportunity to offer during the upcoming weeks, the best level of service for all our Dealers.

Since the beginning of this week we have had the opportunity to reorganize our production spaces by activating all the necessary procedures to secure the safety for all our cooperators.

We look forward even the reopening of all of you, as you represent without any doubt one of the most important points of the furniture chain, of course this aspect could be of great help to come back to a regular situation even in a faster way.

We invite you to get in touch with us for any possible request you may have and to check the status of the pending orders already in production, to start planning possible lead time of the same to your warehouse/address.

We would like also to thank you for your continuous support during this delicate period and during the upcoming months in which everyone will be invited to reaffirm our know-how with strength and determination.

Finally, we take the opportunity to strongly reassure you about our full and firm commitment towards our Clients, please be sure that all the people here in Giellesse will do all the possible efforts and even more, to support ALL our esteemed Dealers.

Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding.

Giuseppe Matteo Galli


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